Ether Technology

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From ancient philosophies to Victorian scientific models to Tesla style electrical engineering and even the flawed attempts of relativity and quantum mechanics there exists a plethora of theories attempting to describe the universal medium known as Aether – the fabric from which the tapestry of physical existence is woven. With so many frameworks existing that discuss this medium with little proog, it becomes easy to dismiss the topic in general as nonsense upon quick glance. But upon deeper investigation a common thread emerges showing many commonalities between these pictures, yielding a glimpse of a possible model for the future of science. There are so many ways to approach the question of its existence and this article intends to give a very brief outline of some of those possibilities.

Some questions we desire to understand with this website :

What is Aether?

Is there a difference between Aether and Ether?

Is the idea of a universal medium necessary to advance science?

Can Aether be modeled within the framework of the standard model or is a different approach needed?

Has the Aether ever been detected, “created”, or used for physical purposes?

Can the esoteric principles be separated from this universal medium?

Why should we question the Standard Model in the first place?

From ancient philosophies to Victorian scientific models to Tesla style electrical engineering and even the flawed attempts of relativity and quantum mechanics, a plethora of theories exist attempting to describe the Aether – the fabric from which the tapestry of physical existence is woven. With so many frameworks and dialogues, largely conjecture, it becomes easy to dismiss the topic in general as nonsense upon quick glance. But upon deeper investigation a common thread emerges showing many commonalities between these pictures, yielding a glimpse of a possible model for the future of science. There are so many ways to approach the question of its existence and this article intends to give a very brief outline of some of those possibilities.

Aether Force in the past years has taken more of a Goethean approach to this topic, considering that scientific investigation in general needs an overhaul, utilizing a participatory and top down, archetypal-pattern based approach to understand nature. Supported by great minds like Rudolf Steiner, Jon Keely, Walter Russell, and many others we have come to learn that a super-sensible approach to the topic may lead to greater insight. This implies that a qualitative approach can supplement the quantitative framework to establish a middle ground for practical science. Many of these great minds have intuited or clairvoyantly experienced the higher order of nature from which physicality precipitates. This form of higher observation requires and elevated form of cognition and imagination – the proper development of higher organs of cognition to observe the underlying dynamics between the nonphysical and physical. This is about enlivening our thinking out of its dead, shadowy preponderances into a living, breathing, and experiential thinking, bridging concept and percept instead of forcing our false concepts on the percept.

The aether acts as a seemingly intelligent, emergent, negentropic backdrop and foundation for physical manifestation. We are discussing the existence of cosmic intelligence, formative forces, and the very vital force itself. Aether is something unseen to the physical senses but yet recognized both by unconventional and alternative sciences, albeit defined in radically different approaches.

We hold the view that purely classical physics and the standard model in general are flawed in their approach to model the universe from the bottom up from a seething, quantized, chaotic foam of bumping probabilistic virtual “wave-particles”. This framework represents pure material reductionism and atomism, which is now promulgating a highly materialistic form of metaphysics. Rudolf Steiner was correct when he stated that once humanity probes the inner working of the atom with it’s reductionist approach, a very empty metaphysics would be instigated and popularized over genuine spiritual science. The reductionists have confused this “effect” of wave-particle movement as the cause of physicality and believe mathematics is the ultimate judge upon whether theory is applicable to the real world. At best, this zero-point quantum foam may be an interface with the aetheric but is not the aether itself.

Modern science literally denies the existence of the conjugate counterpart of the universal breath, and even more so the balancing center point between the two polarities driving physical creation. The dynamics of metamorphosis, consciousness, implosive forces and more are outside of the standard framework, ridiculed as heretical woo, while in reality, the standard model is DOGMA and nothing short of speculation and woo itself.

This purely quantitative approach driven, by binary thinking and perception, has caused the technological mayhem of radiation and pollution destroying the biological world, serving the role of the iron necessity to propel humanity further upon its evolution. Our current science is limited in its scope since it does not understand that our technology only acts as extensions of our vibratory based senses, encapsulating all of its observation to the language of the toroidal spectrum of transverse “electromagnetism”. At best the standard model conjectures act as very special cases with parameters truly unattainable in nature. They may be considered as lower rungs on a much a ladder of generalized physics.

The special cases of the standard model allow for quantized measurements within their own framework, but are devoid of much needed qualitative value, denying the living, intelligent nature of the cosmos. It is lost in the abstractions of number, weight, and measure while the ancients had very involved, qualitative experiences of number, weight, and measure. They had direct experience of these instead of relying od dead

Now having said all of this, do not get the wrong idea. Modern science has made many incredible discoveries yielding technological advances in the past 200 years, but for the most part these phenomena are inadequately described and not explained – but offering a confusion descriptions for explanations. Proper observation does not equate to an adequate explanation. This has resulted in the creating of mathematical frameworks with no relation to nature in general, and blindly accepted as thorough explanations of the dynamics of our world.

It is necessary to address the very terms and definitions used to formulate theories. Ask a modern physicist some very basic questions and you will be surprised with the lack of clarity and many times pure arrogance and dogmatic attachment to such definitions that arise.A venture back to the Trivium of logic, grammar, and rhetoric is necessary for modern science to first be able to address the Tower of Babel they have created for themselves. Modern science has no recognition of the polymathic approach. Scientists for the most part are secluded in their own field of research utilizing it’s own special cases of theories with a specialized lexicon. Most are not able to bridge to other scientific modalities nor are they willing to. The greatest minds to grace humanity bridge this gap, uniting art and science with spiritual pursuit while engaging multiple avenues of scientific inquiry.

What is light? What is Magnetism? What is Electricity? What is Gravity? What’s a field? What’s a star? What’s an atom? Very basic words that are used ad infinitum but have yet to be truly properly defined. Yet they persist with making up for their inconsistencies with jargon like “quantum”, “space-time”, “dark matter”, and “dark energy” supported by mathematical “fudge-factors” to define the very things they think they have dismissed. Einstein, the plagiarist, merely replaced the Aether with “space-time”, while at the same time voiding it of any energetic potential. The standard model is comprised of two completely incompatible frameworks while nature works on universal principles echoed from the macrocosmic to the microcosmic.

In this authors perspective, the Aether is unknowable through the physical senses and man’s technological extensions, which merely attempt to detect and manipulate motion. It is universal consciousness itself. Aether is the source, the spring of living, eidetic, qualitative information and power projected into the finest layers of physicality. While compared to Aether, the Ethers are the basis of physical form, substance, and movement acting as precipitates and condensates of a more primal and higher ordered manifold … the pressure gradients created by rarefaction and compression resulting in physical form and substance as we know it today.

The Aether is a generic term to represent a negative space, a fulcrum of stillness and balance, upon which all polarity springs forth and upon which they return in order to seek equilibrium. It may be directly experiential outside of human electrical thought patterns. The “Still Magnetic White” Light – the cathode plane of Walter Russell or the Neutral Center of Jon Keely’s model – the bloch wall or dielectric inertial plane of a magnet?

The Aether can be viewed as the nonphysical source driving and projecting the polarization of physicality while the ether can be viewed as the prime condensate from the nonphysical. The Aether in a way remains in the realm of metaphysics while the ether may have tangible physicality that with further refinement of technology may be detectable.

To give a rough idea of some of the prevailing theories and ideas of the aether here are just a few names to look at. Most of these will be discussed more fully as I have time to finish this article. Below is a collection of various terms relating to the life force in one way or another.

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