Free Energy: George Soukup's Magnet Motor
There used to be an interesting video on the internet, showing a magnet motor built on the “V” style of magnet placement which has two sets ...
In the midst of growing concerns over centralization, control, and the rise of a so-called “New World Order” (NWO), the search for alternative energy sources becomes more than just an academic pursui...
Abstract --- A permanent magnet armature is magnetically propelled along a guided path by interaction with the field within a flux zone limited on either side of the path by an arrangement of permanen...
Magnetic Generator Plans - Demonstration of self-powered Generator versionElectricity bills seem to go up while income goes down. See anything wrong with that? You wouldn't be the only one to notice t...
John Ecklin's Magnetic Generator CommentsThis is a generator that uses the power of a permanent fan. It is quite similar to Wesley W. Gary's generator in that it uses the neutral region of the magneti...
Power supply for electrical resistance operated installations and appliancesAbstract -- A power supply is provided for an electrial installation or appliance presenting a resistive load (1, 8, 12, 19,...