Free Energy Transformer: A Hero's Tool Against the New World Order (NWO)
In the midst of growing concerns over centralization, control, and the rise of a so-called “New World Order” (NWO), the search for alternat...
Overunity Generator - Generate Free Electricity In Your Own Home. Practical guide to making zero point energy generators
In the midst of growing concerns over centralization, control, and the rise of a so-called “New World Order” (NWO), the search for alternat...
Abstract --- A permanent magnet armature is magnetically propelled along a guided path by interaction with the field within a flux zone lim...
Magnetic Generator Plans - Demonstration of self-powered Generator version Electricity bills seem to go up while income goes down. See anyth...
John Ecklin's Magnetic Generator Comments This is a generator that uses the power of a permanent fan. It is quite similar to Wesley W. G...
There is no way to harness the Back EMF as it is caused by the motion of the conductor in the magnetic field. It is the interaction of the static magnetic field with the magnetic field created by the ...
Бифиляр Тесла и бифиляр Купера...На бифиляра Купера надо воздействовать высоковольтных импульсов, а вода в реке будет заземление...
interested in working technology - - Tom
Scrie clar că se ajustează diametrul firului la fiecare celulă în funcție de putere
It would be a question. Let's go: From what I understand, the first generator provides 6 amps, the second 36 amps, the third 216 amps. I ask, would the size of the cores and the thickness of the w...