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First, it is necessary to clarify who created Testatika.
Two important facts:
1/ In the last years of the 20th century, possibly in the 90s, Paul BAUMANN, the leader of the spiritual community of Methernitha, came up with the design for the Testatika generator. This community has shared with many people who believe in free energy and clearly states the origin of the design. Although it is circulated, it is only for internal circulation. So it will happen information leakage situation.
2/ Also in the last years of the 20th century, a number of inventions similar to Testatika were submitted to the US Patent Office. Not going to be released, of course, because it involves perpetual motion. Here is some information:
"Some other generators with similarities to the Testatika machine are the "Electrostatic Energy Field Power Generating System" invented by William W. Hyde (US Patent 4,897,592 of Jan 30, 1990) is a rotor/stator variable capacitance machine capable of producing 300 KV. Other such generators are; "Parametric Electric Machine" invented by Ferdinand Cap (US Patent 4,622,510 of Nov 11, 1986) which has a series resonant (LCR) circuit structured into it so that it oscillates --- and indeed operates AT RESONANCE to ensure a high output; "Electrostatic Generator" invented by Dan B. Le May, et al. (US Patent 3,094,653 of Jun 18 1963) is a very ingenious system of variable capacitance; the "Electrostatic Machine" by Noel Felici (US Patent 2,522,106 of Sep 12, 1950) is a good standard which utilizes a valve rectifier; and the "Electrostatic Generator" by William S. Spencer (US Patent 1,415,779 of May 9, 1922) is an early rotor/stator generator which transferred its electric impulses through a transformer to produce a higher current output."
That leads to some of the following possibilities:
Possibility 1. The Methernitha community has many electrical engineers, they are very good. Paul BAUMANN is the cardinal, he found a secret document about free energy. Some engineers are good for the pursuit of fame, they have crafted from the original version that Paul BAUMANN found and shared with the members of Methernitha, to create versions quite similar to "Testatika".
Note: In this case, Paul BAUMANN released to members versions like "Testatika" before the 90s of the 20th century. And when the versions were leaked, Testatika was modified and sent to patent office. By the 90s, Paul BAUMANN knew it, and he made it known to everyone about "Testatika".
Possibility 2. All the engineers and scientists who publish inventions to the patent office have researched the technology of "electrostatic influence machine" and free energy. They then created different versions, but of the same nature and close to "Testatika".
You will make a decision to choose possibility 1 or 2, after watching this video:
The video contains a passage stating that "Testatika" has been shared with a group of people from the spiritual community of Methernitha. The machine works very well, and generates quite a lot of power, about 750KW.
Is Testatika related to Tartaria and Nikola Tesla?
Assuming that Tartarian is real, the Tartarian videos are also real, not a lie, then let's see how the Tartars generate electricity. That means take a look at the "identity" of Tartaria's electrical technology, to find out the relevance.
The first half of the following video will tell you about Tartaria's technology, is the identity of their electrical technology the same as it is today?
Some other videos on Youtube also have footage of the Tartaria empire using wireless electricity technology, chargers for citizens that don't charge, buildings that can act as generators etc. You can see that, Tartaria technology is quite similar to Tesla's technology. However, it could be Fake Video about 80% remaining, 20% truth. "They" who are controlling the world are doing it on purpose.
The second half of the Video is a reference to the Testatika generator. The video suggests that Testatika is from Tartaria.
Power Generation Technology Identity:
Electricity is generated in the form of static electricity, with no violent movement at the generators. The electrostatic potential is generated based on the understanding of the Ether of the large scale (universe), to induce the polarization of the Ether. It's different these days, the free energy developers are better at Ether at the circuit than Ether on a large scale like the universe.
In my opinion, the first part of the above Video has some unreal parts, they can be paired with some people who are using Tesla technology. The radio technology in the video is Nikola Tesla's technology. That means the video is stitched together after 1900. Actually, Marconi was not the creator of radio technology, he was the one who worked with Tesla and stole Tesla's works. Exactly 1891 had Tesla's radio technology in experimental form. Because in 1891 Tesla invented the Tesla coil for radio signal transmission (there are many Tesla coils).
Inference to find out the relationship between Testatika, Tartaria Empire, Nikola Tesla:
Remember, Testatika was developed in Switzerland, where the noun "Testatika" is Maltese. On the other hand, the Swiss, the Americans, the people in the spiritual group Methernitha, they don't speak Maltese.
The question arises: Why did the cardinal of Methernitha (Paul BAUMANN) use the Maltese language to name that generator?
Using Google's translation engine, "Testatika" translates into English, Chinese, Russian, etc. all means "The Testament". Paul BAUMANN is a master of the languages of the world. He is a cardinal in search of the truth, to fight the evil forces that are controlling the world. See this plot here: Testatika Generator - Free Energy by Impulse Technology
A truth seeker will probably be good at Linguistics, to serve archeology, to read ancient texts. Perhaps this is also a factor for him to be a leader.
Milestones: After Nikola Tesla passed away at the hotel, all of this reclusive man's technological documents were moved, to serve the government's black project.
Paul BAUMANN, along with the Methernitha team, may have obtained some information from the government's black project, which included Nikola Tesla's technology.
Relationship between Testatika, Nikola Tesla, and Tartaria:
"Testatika" means "testament", is a genuine version of a generator based on electrostatic influence.
Testatika is a play on words suggesting that this is Nikola Tesla's technology that has been re-established and improved from Tartaria's technology. This makes sense, because while Tesla was alive, Tartaria was just beginning to decline.
Testatika is the Maltese language, and refers to Malta, a place of Tartarian architecture there. View map of Malta by Google map can also see.
Thus it can be concluded that it was Tesla who modified the Tartarian technology to create the genuine "Testatika" that Paul BAUMNN held. Because Nikola Tesla was a genius, he wasn't the one to steal Tartaria's technology.
Note: You can make a statistical table to consider the cases, in which there are 3 columns about the relationship: Only the relationship between Tesla and Testatika (1); only relationship between Testatika and Tartaria (2); Testatika, Tartaria, and Nikola Tesla are all related (3). Then use the Occam's razor to find the most reasonable solution, that is, the one that takes the fewest hypotheses to make a decision.
I have not drawn the board. But I dare say that the third possibility is the most reasonable.
When we accept this, the hypothesis of a flat earth with hidden continents next to it makes the most sense. In the final conclusion below, I will analyze this.
Final conclusion
All three subjects, Testatika, Tartaria, and Nikola Tesla are related, so why are there hidden continents that today's society is little known about? Here is the analysis to come to the final conclusion.
In the field of electrical engineering, there is a similarity of Tesla technology to Tartaria technology is harnessing the power of Ether in the form of static electricity, that is harnessing radiant energy from the sky - a static generator.
If radio technology dates back to the Tartarian empire, does it turn out that Tesla stole Tartaria's technology? A genius never does such a thing! 'I don't care that they stole my idea. I care that they don't have any of their own.' - Nikola Tesla.
That's important, because it determines whether the above video is real or fake. In addition, it also determines the authenticity or fakeness of some videos about an advanced Tartarian civilization using wireless, free energy technology.
Remember, "They" have paid many scientists to do the work of smearing Nikola Tesla over the years. The Tartaria Empire has advanced technology, similar to, or equivalent to, wireless, free energy technology. However, they can create fake videos, meaning Tartaria has Tesla's technology.
That's how they smeared the Tartarian empire and Nikola Tesla.
The Tartarian Empire is real, they possess advanced technology, but they are a different group of people, in a hidden continent. The origin of the Tartars is in another realm on the plane.
We are living on a plane, which is relatively flat, not a spherical earth. On that plane there are other realms. Where we are is a realm, covered with a dome.
For a long time, a group of people from another world came to spread ideas and build structures attributed to Tartaria. They developed the most powerful spreading and scaling work in the 19th century. Soon after, the early 20th century was the extinction, disappearance of the Tartars.
Flat Earth! And there may still be a handful of Tartars still on this flat earth. But they were in places that the world map didn't mention. Actually the current world map is not accurate. Continent hidden in another realm on the plane has many civilizations! The Tartarian Empire was one of them.
To summarize some important conclusions:
The Tartars are from hidden continents, they are on the side of the flat earth with a compressive Ether field that is different from ours. So they have a different height than us.
The Tartarian civilization on the hidden continent is very advanced. It used to interfere with the technology of the flat earth. Testatika generator is the result of this interference.
Some videos of Tartarian technology that resemble Tesla's technology are fake videos.
It is possible that the Tartars still inhabit the flat earth. But the way we travel to explore is controlled. The Antarctic Treaty is a way of controlling to cover up the truth.
"Victoria Aether Science" has an intersection with the Tartarian civilization. Tesla was trained by science Victoria Aether. So Nikola Tesla's technologies are also the result of this intersection.
Nikola Tesla is still a mysterious man!
Proposing a genuine technology of Nikola Tesla, developed into another version by Moray:
Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's Energy from Ether in Which the Earth Floats
Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity
There is no way to harness the Back EMF as it is caused by the motion of the conductor in the magnetic field. It is the interaction of the static magnetic field with the magnetic field created by the ...
It would be a question. Let's go: From what I understand, the first generator provides 6 amps, the second 36 amps, the third 216 amps. I ask, would the size of the cores and the thickness of the w...