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Are you ready to take the ‘red pill’ and jump down the rabbit hole?
Clarifying the concept of "Retroduction & Platonic Logic"
This is a commentary on Ken Wheleer's revealing dialogue about the Flying Saucer, so my inferences are as follows:
At first, "Retroduction & Platonic Logic" seems related to Plato. Because Ken Wheleer often refers to Plato and moreover, Plato was a Greek philosopher, and to be philosophy there must be Logic.
Research about Plato at Wikipedia, which is temporarily considered an encyclopedia-style quote. And we find that "Retroduction & Platonic Logic" can be understood according to the following information:
"Plato was an innovator of the written dialogue and dialectic forms in philosophy. Plato is also considered the founder of Western political philosophy. His most famous contribution is the theory of Forms known by pure reason, in which Plato presents a solution to the problem of universals known as Platonism (also ambiguously called either Platonic realism or Platonic idealism). He is also the namesake of Platonic love and the Platonic solids."
"In the dialogue Timaeus Plato associated each of the four classical elements (earth, air, water, and fire) with a regular solid (cube, octahedron, icosahedron, and tetrahedron respectively) due to their shape, the so-called Platonic solids. The fifth regular solid, the dodecahedron, was supposed to be the element which made up the heavens."
"It can also be said there are three worlds, with the apparent world consisting of both the world of material objects and of mental images, with the "third realm" consisting of the Forms. Thus, though there is the term "Platonic idealism", this refers to Platonic Ideas or the Forms, and not to some platonic kind of idealism, an 18th-century view which sees matter as unreal in favour of mind. For Plato, though grasped by the mind, only the Forms are truly real."
"The Forms are universals given as a solution to the problem of universals, or the problem of "the One and the Many", e. g. how one predicate "red" can apply to many red objects. For Plato, this is because there is one abstract object or Form of red, redness itself, in which the several red things "participate". As Plato's solution is that universals are Forms and that Forms are real if anything is, Plato's philosophy is unambiguously called Platonic realism. According to Aristotle, Plato's best-known argument in support of the Forms was the "one over many" argument"
Since the pandemic appeared, many websites have been manipulated - controlled, after bribery, and is not excluded. All revelations of truth that affect the New World Order will be taken down by the Quora algorithm. You can invite a political expert, an Electrical expert, write your answer there.I can promise that the answer will be knocked down by Quora, if the article reveals the truth.
More information about Plato:
- by Video "🧐 Plato's position. Since you keep asking me about this topic"
So-called UFO Saucers - by Ken Wheeler and The flying saucer principle works in Ether
Video by Ken Wheleer discussing flying saucers (🧐 Retroduction & Platonic Logic applied to so-called UFO Saucers):
Or you can check out our explanations below for those terms.
The principle for the flying saucer to work in Ether
If we know the structure of the earth, to some extent the universe, we will find the technology of flying saucers more quickly. If it's not just guessing about technology, it means going through many trials and still facing the problem: what is gravity?
Note that Einstein's cosmological model and quantum physics are incorrect.
According to that video, a flying object needs to generate an Ether field of its own with omnidirectional force vectors, customizable by voltage control.
The flying saucer is embedded in the universe, that is, embedded in the Ether field. Nikola Tesla once said succinctly, "Gravity is universal compression". In fact, the universal compression phenomenon is because matter is a condensing dielectric (a stress of Ether) at high frequencies, and matter embedded in the Ether medium consists of two factors:
Dielectric - Ether is deformed, or twisted - the dielectric is Ether under stress or distortion;
Magnetism - the dielectric has lost its identity/energy - this is the element that creates the so-called "Space". Magnetism is Ether in its own dynamic circular polarization, which is the radiating end of the discharge
When matter is in the above two factors, it can also be said that raw matter is in the electric Universe. Because Electricity is Electricity is Ether in a dynamically polarized state. The movements and deformations of the Ether give rise to electrification. Phi times Psi gives Q. The formula Ψ.Φ = Q (unit is Planck ).
Motions in nature, in "space", weather phenomena, etc, they are all governed by dielectrics and magnets according to the formula Ψ.Φ = Q. This is exactly the identity to define. for the Electric Universe concept. On Wikipedia, the definition of the Electric Universe is neutral; and in addition, the followers of quantum mechanics are also imitating the academic trend "Electric Universe". The elimination of the Ether in the Electrocosmic theory was a non-Retroduction & Platonic Logic theoretical work, and that theory would be destroyed by Ockham razor.
Rules for flying:
Create a dielectric field on the flywheel, such that this field is different from that of ordinary coarse matter under universal compression, and it is still assumed to be gravity. A special type of matter is helium gas, which rises even when their total mass is 1 ton.
It is necessary to know clearly the operation of Electricity on earth, that is, the relationship Ψ.Φ = Q on earth. It also means knowing with relative accuracy the shape of the earth and the universe. Then, the remaining work is to calculate to create the desired dielectric field on the flying saucer. Many leaked documents from government black projects, or NASA's own show that the earth is not a sphere. Flat Earth. You can view maps of the flat earth from fact-finding organizations on the Internet.
Organizations using UFO technology on earth know the shape of the earth. Chances are the earth is flat. The proven flying saucer technology is terrestrial technology, not necessarily alien technology. The evidence is contained in Occult Ether Physics, and numerous UFO videos.
According to the above, raw matter is compressed in Ether according to the relation Ψ.Φ = Q , it can also be said that gravity is the dielectric acceleration in space. Ψ.Φ = Q, that is the formula that makes up the identity of the concept of Electric Universe.
Ether field theory was developed and applied over 100 years ago, and flying saucer technology has evolved since then. Watch: Flying Saucer and Ether Technology.
From ancient philosophies to Victorian scientific models to Tesla style electrical engineering and even the flawed attempts of relativity and quantum mechanics there exists a plethora of attempts to describe the universal medium known as Aether – the fabric from which the tapestry of physical existence is woven. With so many frameworks existing that discuss this medium with little proog, it becomes easy to dismiss the topic in general as nonsense upon quick glance. But upon deeper investigation a common thread emerges showing many commonalities between these pictures, yielding a glimpse of a possible model for the future of science. There are so many ways to approach the question of its existence and this article intends to give a very brief outline of some of those possibilities.
In addition to flying saucer technology, Ether technology has an important application: Tesla's AC generator - a self-powered technology based on causal communication in Ether. Here is information about this technology:
✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator ✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion ✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators ✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words
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