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RotoVerter AC Generator

Connecting an induction motor to an alternating current (AC) generator head (permanent magnet generator) requires a technology called "RotoVerter" to generate Free Energy.

It is the technology that was discovered by the academics who study the technology of Nikola Tesla. RotoVerter technology is circulated internally in non-public groups. As the problem of free energy needed is developed in today's progressive world, information about AC generator using RotoVerter has leaked.

Note: As a blueprint for building a free energy generator, this article is not complete for someone with little electrical knowledge.

About self-powered generator - Free energy

This video will give you a visualization of a self-powered generator:

But Free Energy is real!

Self-powered generators need an additional electronic circuit called RotoVerter to do the feedback task.

Presented below will "decode" the mysteries of the self-powered Free Energy (scam) device on Youtube.

About RotoVerter

RotoVerter is: A remarkable piece of energy saving engineering that can be applied readily to off-the-shelf components. Utilizes an AC motor - with a modest change in the wiring, a motor rated to run at 460 volts on 3-phase, at 20 - 30 amps, can be made to run on 120 volts single phase, and on a handful of amps (5 - 7 amps). This is done, by creating a virtual 3rd phase utilizing capacitance. By tuning the capacitance, the motor can be put into a self-semiresonant condition whereby the motor runs with extreme efficiency and is cool to the touch at full rated rpm. This is a PROVEN technological advance - which can be put into operation worldwide to help stem the energy shortages reported to be on the way globally.

This modified AC motor is referred to as the RotoVerter. Several first-hand who have replicated the device are seeing amazing results as the extra voltage circulating in the capacitor bank used to create the virtual third phase, can also be utilized to charge batteries as well and other loads. The beauty of being able to run these motors in this manner, is not only the tremendous energy savings, but provides one with the ability to go SOLAR as well.

About RotoVerter

The Roto Verter (RV) is originally the intellectual property of Hector D Perez Torres. Hector has publicly released information on the RV makinng it open source.The following RV method plus any additional open source circuits mentioned in the compilations on this page all fall under a statutory public copyright (other rights apply). The RV is a scientific discovery and is covered by the publication statutory copyrights for 75 years. For engineers wishing to replicate and work with the Roto verter technology, additional technical support can be found from these forums:

EVGRAY yahoo energy group ... RV replication yahoo energy group ... Cavetronics Informatics ... Over unity forum RV section ... The Panacea Farm Conversion - The Roto Verter Segment

The RV is an alternative energy device which is currently being utilized by open source engineers around the world in energy saving applications, and to transform and understand ZPE when configured in looped (self running mode) mode...When run in RV mode, these Baldor motors are the most efficient 1 HP electric motors in the world...

RotoVerter Electronic Circuit For Overunity Generator - Free Energy

The free energy machine here that I want to mention is the common alternating current (AC) generator. When using more RotoVerter properly, Overunity occurs, that is, the output power is greater than the input power. And so it was set to self-powered.

Block diagram of free energy AC generator using RotoVerter electronic circuit:

Block diagram of free energy AC generator using RotoVerter electronic circuit:
The output device is an alternator which is driven by a three-phase mains-powered, 3 HP to 7.5 HP motor (both of these devices can be standard ‘asynchronous squirrel-cage’ motors). The drive motor is operated in a highly nonstandard manner. It is a 240V motor with six windings as shown below. These windings are connected in series to make an arrangement which should require 480 volts to drive it, but instead, it is fed with 120 volts of singlephase AC. The input voltage for the motor, should always be a quarter of its rated operational voltage. A virtual third phase is created by using a capacitor which creates a 90-degree phase-shift between the applied voltage and the current. 

How to connect coil and capacitor at induction motor. It is possible to add a system of capacitors in parallel with the 2 capacitors on the left of the figure, for speed regulation and for resonance if needed.

The objective is to tune the motor windings to give resonant operation. A start-up capacitor is connected into the circuit using the press-button switch shown, to get the motor up to speed, at which point the switch is released, allowing the motor to run with a much smaller capacitor in place. Although the running capacitor is shown as a fixed value, in practice, that capacitor needs to be adjusted while the motor is running, to give resonant operation. For this, a bank of capacitors is usually constructed, each capacitor having its own ON/OFF switch, so that different combinations of switch closures give a wide range of different overall values of capacitance. With the six capacitors shown above, any value from 0.5 microfarad to 31.5 microfarad can be rapidly switched to find the correct resonant value. These values allow combined values of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, .....by selecting the appropriate switches to be ON or OFF. Should you need a value greater than this, then wire a 32 microfarad capacitor in place and connect the substitution box across it to test higher values step by step to find the optimum value of capacitor to use. The capacitors need to be powerful, oil-filled units with a high voltage rating - in other words, large, heavy and expensive. The power being handled in one of these systems is large and setting one up is not without a certain degree of physical danger. These systems have been set to be self-powered but this is not recommended, presumably because of the possibility of runaway with the output power building up rapidly and boosting the input power until the motor burns out

The next step is to connect the windings of the two units. The motor (the “Prime Mover”) is wired for 480 volt operation. This is done by connecting winding terminals 4 to 7, 5 to 8 and 6 to 9 as shown below. The diagram shows 120 volts AC as being the power supply. This is because the RotoVerter design makes the motor operate at a much lower input than the motor designers intended. If this motor were operated in the standard way, a 480 volt 3-phase supply would be connected to terminals 1, 2 and 3 and there would be no capacitors in the circuit.

It is suggested that the jumpering of the motor windings is more neatly done by removing the junction box cover and drilling through it to carry the connections outside to external connectors, jumpered neatly to show clearly how the connections have been made for each unit, and to allow easy alterations should it be decided to change the jumpering for any reason.

 The same is done for the unit which is to be used as the alternator. To increase the allowable current draw, the unit windings are connected to give the lower voltage with the windings connected in parallel as shown below with terminals 4,5 and 6 strapped together, 1 connected to 7, 2 connected to 8 and 3 connected to 9. This gives a three-phase output on terminals 1, 2 and 3. This can be used as a 3-phase AC output or as three single-phase AC outputs, or as a DC output by wiring it as shown here:

The motor and the alternator are then mounted securely in exact alignment and coupled together. The switching of the direction of the housing on the drive motor allows all of the jumpering to be on the same side of the two units when they are coupled together, facing each other: 

Notice that, in the picture above, there are 9 wiring points, corresponding to the numbers 1, 2,...,9 in the drawing. Point 12 is the common wire of 3 phases of a star-connected 3-phase generator. Point 12 is actually the point where the neutral wire is output.

Diagram for Overall Connection of Numbered Points:

With the instructions above, you can make your own AC generator using RotoVerter. But with the possibility of success is not very high.

So for optimized system operation, you should see the generator diagram using the optimized RotoVerter:

generator diagram using the optimized RotoVerter

And transformer mode, converts DC to AC, for the purpose of not needing batteries later. That is, the battery only does the task of starting, the machine works, it is removed. Viewed drawings:

If you understand the above blueprint, you will know how to make generators using RotoVerter in different versions.

Important Note: Because the invention is copyrighted, the sharing on the internet is limited.

The following blueprint contains many ways to create a free energy generator, including the method using RotoVerter:
🌀 Revealed At Last: 
Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

🌀 Generates Energy-On-DemandEasy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator 
✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators

✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity/Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

The essence of free energy generators using RotoVerter

Generators or transformers both have a reverse electromotive force after generating electricity, also known as back electromagnetic field (Back EMF). Lenz's law is a description of this. And this is the very reason why free energy cannot be produced by the so-called Law.

Lenz does not claim to have devised any laws of the Universe. The writers of the educational program ascribed Lenz's description to a law.

Previously Nikola Tesla exploited Back EMF to create energy monopoly inventions for corporations, and today engineers have discovered Tesla's Back EMF exploitation, they are still developing this method.

What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics.“ - Nikola Tesla

Basically, RotoVerter uses Diodes and capacitors to regulate the Back EMF, and the resonance of the electrical oscillation is promoted. Therefore, RotoVerter is a method of exploiting Back EMF by the electronic circuit supporting the AC generator.

This video will give you an idea of ​​that: 

Content mentioned in the video:
Gift for you:
۞ Generate electricity to power your home with just a battery or phone charger
۞ The Square Pulse Generator controls the power generation on demand

❉ Free Energy from Nikola Tesla's friend: Alfred M. Hubbard's Free Energy Transformer | Charge your phone to power your home! A step-by-step guide to making a "Free Energy Transformer" by Alfred M. HUBBARD | Ether Technology was suppressed in the 1920s

🌀 Revealed At Last: 
Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

🌀 Generates Energy-On-DemandEasy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator 
✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators

✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity/Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

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