In the midst of growing concerns over centralization, control, and the rise of a so-called “New World Order” (NWO), the search for alternative energy sources becomes more than just an academic pursui...
Abstract --- A permanent magnet armature is magnetically propelled along a guided path by interaction with the field within a flux zone limited on either side of the path by an arrangement of permanen...
Magnetic Generator Plans - Demonstration of self-powered Generator versionElectricity bills seem to go up while income goes down. See anything wrong with that? You wouldn't be the only one to notice t...
John Ecklin's Magnetic Generator CommentsThis is a generator that uses the power of a permanent fan. It is quite similar to Wesley W. Gary's generator in that it uses the neutral region of the magneti...
Power supply for electrical resistance operated installations and appliancesAbstract -- A power supply is provided for an electrial installation or appliance presenting a resistive load (1, 8, 12, 19,...
"Magnetic Generator" is essentially a Free Energy Generator
In the electrical engineering world, the Magnetic Generator is not a mere alternating current (AC) generator. Because there's too much theory for it and it's an AC generator, not a "Magnetic Generator"
However, people who are not in electrical engineering look for the Magnetic Generator as an AC generator.
The AC generator head is sometimes understood as Magnetic Generator
AC generator heads abound on the e-commerce market: 👉 Top Magnetic Generator "BS" (If you are looking for this BS thing)
Two articles on magnetism and free-energy-related generators assert that Magnetic Generator refers to free-energy generators:
When the generator breaks free from the constraints of the Lenz force in the process of generating electricity, we literally have the "Freedom" of Roto attaching a moving magnet. And that is the Free Energy at the alternator.
Lenz's force is produced by observations from Faraday's law in one respect (not all aspects), and is actually produced by the Back EMF known to Faraday, but Not saying it's against the law. Lenz's force could be broken if he knew how, and Faraday was right.
When we do that, remove the Back EMF or reduce the Back EMF, or alf turn the harmful Back EMF into an advantage in the generator, then we have many ways to create a generator from free energy. . Typical for this category is the connection of a generator with an induction motor to a self-powered generator. That connection is a system that creates a fuel-free generator.
Demonstration of a self-powered version - Back EMF Harness Circuit:
Top Plans for Magnetic Generator Creation
Basically, the free energy generator consists of: copper coils, permanent magnets and electronic components that make up the circuit board to harness the power of the Back EMF, and of course a stand for generator is needed.
It's as simple as that, but there are many different inventions for the Free Energy Magnetic Generator.
Although there are many different versions and schools of magnetic generators, in general, they all have the same principle of operation as Nikola Tesla mentioned.
The Overunity Blog will introduce readers to some of the Top Magnetic Generator Blueprints (free energy generators, of course).
1/ Svobodian Andrey Free energy Devices 10kw
Infinity SAV is Korean company working with Svobodian Andrey Free energy Devices . They present marriage of two different FE devices
Summary plan for Svobodian Andrey Free energy Devices 10kw:
Summary plan for Svobodian Andrey
Researcher Dmitry from Russia, virtually repeated the M-G Andrew Slobodyan. Applying his scheme, but retaining the principle of a closed circuit.
Figure chart analysis
2/ Muller Dynamo
The Muller Dynamo is a brushless generator composed of one moving part, the rotor. The rotor is mounted on a shaft, which revolves around inside of the stator shell. Super-magnets are mounted around the periphery of the rotor. Super-magnets are used, one more rotor magnet than generator coils. Inside of the stator shell, several generator coils are mounted, wound around an amorphous ferrite core.
Amorphous metals are used for the core material inside the coils. These cores exhibit practically zero hysteresis loss. The cores have no magnetic memory and cannot sustain any current flow even though they will polarize magnetically nearly as well as iron and other alloys used for cores. Consequently, they do not heat up.
The generator contains an odd-number/even-number configuration of poles/magnets so that a magnetic balance occurs which eliminates the work required to move one pole from the other no matter how large or strong the magnetic surface would be. This concept allows the flywheel to turn easily and efficiently despite the inherent powerful holding force of the magnets.
The rotor of the Muller R&D model contains 16 NdFeB permanent magnets which are set 22.5 degrees apart and the stator contains 15 field coils which are set approximately 24 degrees apart.
The rotor is turned by a motor, rotor magnets revolve past the coils, the magnetic field induces a pulsating electrical current which can be used for any purpose. However, first the generated electricity must flow through a solid state switching circuit.
The switching circuit turns the stator coils "on" and "off" at the appropriate times to "clip" and channel the current flow. This prevents the buildup of forces which "buck" (back emf) the generator and reduces its output. This switching circuit gives the Muller Dynamo virtually zero rotor drag and virtually all of the motive force is turned directly into usable electrical energy. - Bill Muller
3/ A detailed plan for you step by step to build a magnetic generator according to the Self-powered Generator version
This is a version based on genuine Nikola Tesla technology, which has been secretly developed by experts for many years. You just need to buy generators and induction motors available in the market, then buy more electronic components to exploit the power of Back EMF which is inherently harmful to the generator (Back EMF interferes with the free rotation of the rotor), to get a self-powered Generator (Free energy)
Revealed At Last... Top Magnetic Generator: Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator ✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion ✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators ✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity/Free Energy, Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words
If you want to develop more theory in the academic field, you can refer to the book on classical mechanics to calculate the force of a permanent magnet to create a permanent disequilibrium: ✒️The Magnet Motor: Making Free Energy Yourself
The Magnet Motor and Top Magnetic Generator - Free Energy AC Generator
There is no way to harness the Back EMF as it is caused by the motion of the conductor in the magnetic field. It is the interaction of the static magnetic field with the magnetic field created by the ...
It would be a question. Let's go: From what I understand, the first generator provides 6 amps, the second 36 amps, the third 216 amps. I ask, would the size of the cores and the thickness of the w...