Simple Circuit to prove free-energy exists. Also plans to show you how to build a completely
solid-state free-energy circuit! Output is over 100% efficient! (Overunity)
This motor consumes no charge
This is a simple experiment using a toy
motor to demonstrate the principle that
charge is not consumed but wasted in
conventional electrical circuits. You could
actually use just about any type of load
even an LED, but some people will argue
that the LED would "consume" too little

So here is the setup: C1 & C2 each consist
of (4) 10,000 uf electrolytic capacitors
hooked in parallel adding up to 40,000 uf
EACH. C1 is charged with 12.5 volts C2
got 0 volts. The key point of the experiment
is to transfer charge from C1 to C2 through the toy motor. After discharge C1 and C2 are left
with 6.25 volts EACH. Joules energy calculations rule a 50% energy loss. This incorporates the
claim energy was not equal to charge. If you can't believe that, try it on your own. Theoretically
it seems possible to pulse the current of the 6.25 v capacitors through a 1:2 transformer up to
12.5 v. Some people argued that the method of measuring the running time only was not enough
since there was no regard to the RPM. I agree on that and repeated the experiment with a 74-gr.
weight to be lifted by the motor measuring the distance of lifting. The results were different.
You'll find them further down on this page.
Step by Step procedure
1.) Calibration- Disconnect everything and charge C1 with 12.5
volts. Connect the + and - of C1 with the toy motor connectors.
Measure the running time of the motor. I got 40 seconds. You may
get different results with different motors. Now you know the
maximum running time possible to draw out of C1 with this motor
2.) Setup everything like in the schematic to the left. S1 is open. C1
is charged with 12.5 volts. Make sure C2 is at 0 volts. From now on we're counting seconds to
try and get over the 40 seconds limit
3.) Close S1 discharging C1 through the motor and into C2. Take proper time measurement. I
used a LCD watch getting 20 seconds of motor running time. C1 and C2 are left with 6.25 v
4.) Open S1 and connect the motor across C2. Measure the running time. (I got 20 seconds)
5.) Now connect the motor across C1 and measure again the running time. (I got 20 seconds)
6.) 20 + 20 + 20 seconds make a 60 seconds running time. That's 50% gain compared to the 40
seconds at calibration step 1.
There were three discharges with the first discharge in step 3 consuming no charge. Step 4 and 5
were conventional wasting of energy because the charge is now lost.
Results of the Weight Lifting
This was just a repetition of the last setup except for measuring centimeters of weight lifting
instead of motor running time. A thread was fixed to the shaft of the motor allowing it to wind up
a 74-gr. weight. The starting voltage was 10 volts.
Calibrating in step 1 gave me 71-cm lifting.
Step 2 and 3 discharging C1 into C2 through the motor lifted the weight 50.5 cm. C1 and C2
were left with 5 volts each.
Step 4 and 5 gave me each 22-cm of lifting.
That means we went up from 71 cm to 94.5 cm - a 33% gain!
The question arises: why is it not 50% like in the first setup? I think it is because the low energyoutput of the capacitors in step 4 and 5 could hardly drive the motor due to the weight. Also in
step 2 and 3 the 10 volts were dissipating faster than during calibrating. This is due to the
buildup of the opposite voltage in C2. In conventional textbooks it is said you'll lose no charge
but energy, which is converted into heat in the connecting wires, during such a capacitor
discharge. The point is, energy calculations are made in joules. I find the joule-calculation
misleading since an electric motor is not running on joules but on amperes and volts.
Back EMF - Experiment at your own risk.
Large coils or high DC inputs may cause painful electric shocks!
The picture shows: A 10 x probe which is
reducing incoming measuring voltage for an
oscilloscope. An electric coil (~1 k ohm
resistance) from an old phone bell with buzzing
mechanics operating a contact which is made
from an old relay (coil removed). Back EMF is
what you get when an electric current stops flowing through a coil. The more abrupt this stops the better the back-EMF.

For this experimental setup you can actually use any buzzer with an electric coil. The more
windings that are on the coil the stronger the magnetic field in (or around) the coil will be and so
will be the back-EMF. All you need to do is to build up a magnetic field and let it collapse again.
The buildup and collapse sequence should run at a frequency of 25-50 cycles/sec. That's exactly
what a buzzer is doing. Activate the buzzer with an appropriate DC power source. If you use a
AC/DC transformer make sure the load is not too heavy for it. I used an adjustable transformer.
You do need an oscilloscope for exact measurements and you should use the 10x measuring
probe if the created voltage exceeds the maximum. However if you do not own such a wonderful
instrument you might use your fingers (at your own risk). If you feel nothing, try again with wet
fingers. Forget your multi-meter, both analog and digital, because it's not going to show those
high voltage spikes.

This is the typical image of back-EMF. The
voltage spikes are more than 4 squares up,
each square means 5 x 10 volts (due to 10 x
probe). Certain tingling in fingers is felt
when touching the blank wire. If it were not
for the low amperage in this circuit the 200
volts spikes would have been dangerous
indeed. All this from a buzzer at 10 volts
and 3-4 mA(DC).
Back-EMF is what makes your spark plugs
spark. But it is also an unwanted
phenomenon in electrical engineering, for
instance in DC motors where back-EMF
causes sparking on commutators, eating up battery
How might it ever be useful for free energy? We're
getting to that.
How can we use this back
EMF for free energy?
Based on the previous BACK-EMF Test, I tried the
following setup to prove a gain of charge during a
capacitor discharge (C1 into C2) through the buzzer, by
collecting the BACK-EMF of the buzzer-coil in a third
capacitor C3 (470 uf). I minimized the self-discharge of
C1 and C2 by using higher quality capacitors (4700uf). For the diode (DRR 104) you can
probably use any type. The faster the switching the less energy you'll lose. The total charge of
the system was at the start in C1 (21.5 volts). C2 and C3 were at 0 volts. After the buzzer
stopped there is still some voltage flowing from C1 into C2. It takes a few seconds until C1 and
C2 are balanced. Measurement showed C1 and C2 (11.4 volts) each! and C3 (25.2 volts). I had
the buzzer working and ended up with more charge than I started with!
These capacitor discharge experiments prove that the electrons moving through a load are not
used up but only slowed down giving some of their kinetic energy to do work in the load.
Conventional textbooks say that no charge but energy is lost in the connecting wires during such
a discharge. Then what IS the difference between energy and charge? Theoretically it should be
possible to pulse the charge in C2 through a transformer back into C1 ending up with 21.5 volts
again. The question arises: Where is the bug in energy-calculations? Is there a difference
between mechanical- and electrical power transmission?
If you want to check it out, here is the circuit.
C1 and C2 are electrolytic capacitors with 4700 uf each. C3 is
an electrolytic capacitor with 470 uf. For the diode any
universal diode with appropriate working voltage will do it. I
used (DRR 104). The buzzer is self-made from an old
telephone-ringing coil and the contacts are from an old relay.
So how can we use this to build a free energy
I believe there are 2 ways of doing
it: • By building a Solid State
free-energy circuit
• By building a Mechanical
generator free-energy
Solid state Free-energy circuit
It's very simple actually. The idea
is that we use what we have
learned from the capacitor tests to
create a circuit that uses the
capacitors to run the load and then
by discharging the 1/2 full
capacitor into a DC-DC converter we can recharge the initial cap and start again. And have some energy left over!
Here’s how it works:
It’s very simple actually. First we charge C1 with 12 volts. Then we close S1 and discharge C1
Through the motor and into C2. Now C1 and C2 are both at 6v and we got the motor to run for a
while. Now make sure S1 is open and close S2. This discharges C2 into the DC-DC converter,
which now charges C1 back to 12v. Open S2 and we can repeat it again and again.... And we
now have Free energy! Then we just need to build a circuit to replace the manual switches.
Free-energy generator (mechanical)
Well we have already proven that we have free energy available from doing the capacitor tests,
now we need to come up with a way to convert that extra energy to be used in a closed loop
system ie.. to charge a battery maybe. The problem with close looping it with a battery is that it
is difficult to tell if the machine is running over 100% efficiency. Therefore I propose we use
large capacitor banks. This way we can start the device with a battery and once it is up to speed,
we disconnect the battery and let the capacitors do the rest. We will know if it's running over
unity right away if it doesn’t stop within a minute or so.
Here’s how it will work
First off we add another capacitor
C3. We build a device as shown
with a high efficiency permanent
magnet motor driving a generator.
We attach a 5 pound mass to the
drive shaft of the motor to give us
some extra inertia during
switching. The whole system will
require a bit of switching to enable
it to work properly.
First we connect the external
battery to the motor and let it spin
up to speed. Next we disconnect
the battery and C1 now discharges
through the motor into C2. C1 and
C2 now each have a 6-volt charge. Then our switching circuit discharges C1 directly across the
motor with its 6-volt charge. Now C2 is discharged across the motor with its 6-volt charge.
Meanwhile the generator has been hooked to C3, which is now charged, and ready. C3 now
switches connections with C1 i.e.. C1 is now being recharged by the generator and C3 is dumped
through the motor into C2. The cycle then continues. The system will operate over unity just as
our simple capacitor tests proved.
Of course we will have losses due to friction, and poor transfer efficiency. But remember we had
a 50% energy surplus with our capacitor tests and 33% energy surplus under load conditions. So
we have a lot of energy to play with.
Now just tap the energy off of the generator output and you have FREE-ENERGY!
Revealed At Last... Must watch!
Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator
✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators
✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity/Free Energy, Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words
Related: The Rodin Coil and Free Energy Problem